On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:46:55PM +0100, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:56:56PM +0300, anonymous wrote:
> > Why not Slackware?
> > 
> Why not suse?

Maybe it is ok too, but I haven't tried it. I suggest Slackware because
I think that it is what OP asked for: you can build software by hand,
make package and install with a package manager. You don't have
to write building script if you don't want to. It is in constrast to
Arch where you can't create package without PKGBUILD. Of course, you
can use tar, gzip and other tools, but if format of package is changed
you will need to rewrite all your scripts dealing with packages.

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