Dnia 12 marca 2010 2:07 Alex Matviychuk <alex...@gmail.com> napisaƂ(a):

> > I use MS Office for that kind of stuff. It sucks less than OO and I
> > usually have dual boot or some spare system that runs Windows+MS
> > Office. And people stopped complaining about broken documents all the
> > time like in the days when I used OO ;)
> >
> > I know it's sad, but there is no alternative.
> Google Docs has worked well for my needs, plus it makes it easy to
> collaborate on documents with others. The presentations look pretty
> good too :)

Google is evil TM ;) Luckily, If I need to collaborate, surprisingly  many of
my peers have OOo, so we can use .odt (If I reckon correctly, Office is 
usually missing from MSDN(AA) deal, at least here)

-Jakub Lach

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