On Sun, May 09, 2010 at 08:42:48PM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
> You need a definition of 'suckless user interface' before you start
> specifying guidelines for how to produce one.
> Here's a draft:
>   A suckless user interface is:
>   * useful,
>   * usable,
>   * transparent,
>   * either discoverable or well-documented,
>   * reliable,
>   * as simple as possible, and no simpler, and
>   * customizable.

 you forget the most important point:
 you don't design suckless software for the user. You educate the user
first, then design software for the new, enlightened man.

 furthermore, "as simple as possible, and no simpler" and "customizable"
are very very arguable (in b4 shitstorm)


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