Yeah, I know wine, counterstrike is working perfectly. I just don't
like the *look* of notepad on that thing.
But about gnuwin, thanks for that, these people are working
painstakingly. A market gap I have not thought of yet!

On 5/15/10, Marvin Vek <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 11:49:41PM +0200, hiro wrote:
>> Why don't you port cat to windows?
>> On 5/14/10, mobi phil <> wrote:
>> >> Btw, for me notepad is one of the greatest windows apps ever built.
>> >> This is a really stupid thread!
>> >> But good to know that I'm not the only one wasting my time today.
>> >
>> > why don't you port it to linux? :)
> Mobi:
> Hiro:
> --
> Marvin Vek
> -
> printk("IOP: oh my god, they killed the ISM IOP!
> ");
>       linux-2.6.19/arch/m68k/mac/iop.c

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