2010/6/4 Anselm R Garbe <garb...@gmail.com>:
> Hi there,
> after the positive feedback to the recent fullscreen fixes it is time
> for a new dwm bugfix release:
>  http://dl.suckless.org/dwm/dwm-5.8.2.tar.gz

I'm sorry to disturb you again, but the fullscreen problem is still
here with mplayer. Even fstype=non in mplayer.conf still does'nt scale
the mplayer fullscreen window.

> Also 9base has been updated during the past weeks and contains several
> new commands like ed, sam, unutf and many others.
>  http://dl.suckless.org/tools/9base-6.tar.gz
> Have fun,
> Anselm

Demelier David

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