> For a while I've been frustrated when I close a surf window, it takes
> down the process that created it, along with all windows of that
> process.  For clicking a link in gmail will open a new window, and
> closing that window sometimes closes the parent window as well.  Today
> I had some time to insert printfs into surf.c to find out what's going
> on.

I've been having this bug too, but I think (if i remember correctly),
that it only happens if I middle
click links which invokes the javascript new window() business. I
think when I use the right click
menu's Open In New Window option it doesn't cause the segfault
(because it spawns a new surf
instance?). I'll check when I'm next at my machine.

> It turns out that closing a window while it is loading causes a
> segfault, and so all the 'struct Clients' of that process die.  This
> is somewhat okay if it the process just had one window, but sucks
> otherwise.
Could the javascript in script.js be altered to spawn a new surf
instance (perhaps
via javascript callbacks or however surf has them set up?) instead of
a new window
with the same surf instance? Kind of defeats the whole one-task-one-process aim
of surf.

> I'm using a key sequence bound to the killclient() function in dwm-5.5.
> I'm using the latest pull of surf (220:e83fbd17d63a).
I'm also using the latest pull.

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