On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 12:22:52PM +0200, Mate Nagy wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 03:10:27AM -0700, Robert Ransom wrote:
> > Scheme *should* be used for everything because at least one good macro
> > system has been designed for it.  Lisp macros can do arbitrary
> > computation at compile-time, and the Scheme macro system required by
> > R6RS provides all the power of Lisp macros *and* supports a
> > pattern-matching macro specification syntax for simple syntactic sugar.
>  this is exactly the reason scheme macros are horrible and Lisp macros
> are better for your mind and health. This is one of the humongous,
> indefensible warts on the scheme language (the other being #f)
 whoops... i misunderstood your post as a flame for hygienic macros against
generic lisp macros. maybe i've been reading too many uriel posts

sorry for the noise, carry on


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