On 24 Jun 2010, at 20:14, pancake wrote:

And 9term does not support ansi or control codes.

My position is I would be using 9term if I could, but I'm having trouble with it on one machine. I probably could put in the work needed to make it work (and p9p in general not conflict with 9base) but it doesn't seem worth it.

My reason for using 9term is precisely _because_ it doesn't support more than one or two control codes it can do other things, like today it allowed me to tweak text in a program's output so I could more easily compare it with the output of the same program in a different environment. When long lines are wrapped, widening the 9term window 'unwraps' them; very nice for readability. This is found in one or two full terminal emulators, but so few that it must be hard to implement. Hold mode is a *beautiful* facility which would not integrate well with a full terminal. I think it would have to be incorporated into the shell, or readline.

Huh, having written that I'm wondering if I should be trying harder to fix 9term. :)

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