If you set locales to retarded values (anything other than
C/UTF-8/en_US), shit will break.

Stop this crap, locales are an abomination.


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 2:08 PM, nico <n...@lifeisabug.com> wrote:
> Hello there,
> i changed my systems locales to de_DE.UTF-8 and now the command "uptime"
> is using "," instead of "." because of LC_NUMERIC now being set to German
> too. As a result of this the loadavg part of the default statusbar looks
> like "131 087 071" (no dots since commas are removed by sed).
> I have tried several things to make it work but I was not sucessful.
> LC_NUMERIC _must_ be exported to make it work correctly, since uptime is
> called from a subshell. Exporting LC_NUMERIC to an English locale is not an
> option.
> Now, I don't know how to make that status command respecting a different
> locale.
> Changing the sed command to something more complex would surely work but I
> am posting this here since this was no issue with wmii 3.6 yonks ago and
> maybe other people run into this too. Any suggestions how to handle this?
> Secondly, a small suggestion:
> I would like to have something like a small indication if there are any
> floating windows hidden "behind" the managed layer if the latter is toggled
> active (currently there is none and it's quite possible to forget about the
> floating windows ;) Maybe a "~" in the tags name like the "*" if a window
> is requesting attention. Don't know if this is possible but I hope you get
> what I mean.
> regards,
> nico

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