On 26 Jul 2010, at 11:48, Rob wrote:

On 26 July 2010 22:32, David DEMELIER <demelier.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello dear dwm users,


There is something that make me sad with dwm, there is a lack of role
rules for clients. I explain : clients have instance and name using
WM_CLASS, but there is also WM_WINDOW_ROLE which is really important
and useful.

Pardon me for ranting, but WM_WINDOW_ROLE looks like nothing more than brain-damage from freedesktop.org monks who had to "reason" away perfectly sound usage of WM_CLASS. I'm upset because this broke a window manager I got on with rather well, but I honestly wonder how close the reasoning behind this issue is to that of the 12th-century monks who wrote down, as a factual example for human life, that a badger when pursued by dogs would bite it's own balls off because it knew that's what the dogs were really after!

I'm not kidding, monks really wrote that down. That and other things believed by medieval monks who could be very intellectual folk led me to the conclusion that human reason untrammelled by facts and practical sense will produce the stupidest beliefs.

dwm uses XGetClassHint() to retrieve the class and instance, and you
can't get WM_WINDOW_ROLE like this, so it's not as trivial to add on.

I've attached a patch (with some dodgy casting) that works for me, but
it's pretty useless. To have rules work with lots of arbitary WM_*
rules would mean extending the code a lot for little gain - Iron
(chromium clone) doesn't set WM_WINDOW_ROLE, for example, and nor does
surf, nor vimprobable.

However I doubt that many client make
actually use of WM_WINDOW_ROLE in a consistent way, which is why I
believe there is no great benefit in doing so -- or in other words,
yet another proof how hideous X has become ;)

An idea crossed my mind, I don't know if it's worth anything. I thought of adding a pair of fields to dwm's window-matching array to match any X property set on a window. I don't know how the typing would work, perhaps it could involve a pointer to a union? Also it could be a nuisance to those with long window-matching lists.


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