On 8/22/2010 12:47 PM, David J Patrick wrote:
On 10-08-22 12:37 PM, Alexander Teinum wrote:
What doesn’t work well for me, is that I cannot easily extend
Markdown. The design that I propose is simpler and more strict. All
tags work the same way. The input is close to a data structure, and it
doesn’t need complex parsing. The drawback is that tables and lists
need more characters:

pandoc extends markdown and has some table support,

The problem with all these Markdown extensions is that they come as packages with monolithic parsers, so if you like the pandoc syntax for one kind of entity but the PHP markdown extensions syntax for another, you're screwed. This is a problem with latex as well, all syntax for complex structures like tables must derive from the base tex syntax. Hence the source code for tables looks ridiculous in latex. The troff idea of multiple passes with different parsers translating each type of entity into a base representation solves this problem nicely and should be emulated more. I wonder why troff never really caught on in the academic community.

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