Connor Lane Smith <> writes:

> Hey,
> On 26 November 2010 14:04, Dieter Plaetinck <> wrote:
>> I would prefer if it works like this:
>> - when you invoke dmenu, it immediately appears, and user can start
>> typing input. as soon as dmenu is started, it starts reading stdin,
>> however fast or slow it goes until EOF.
>> - anytime anything happens (user changes his query or new line is
>>  read on stdin) the search results are updated in realtime accordingly.
>> I think the code/algorithms to realize this must be pretty complicated
>> for it to work nicely (high performance).. But your patches seem
>> trivial, so did I miss something?
> No, to do this would be trivial. It's just that certain suckless
> people are rather aggressive to the idea of using pthreads for
> anything.

If threads are the problem, you could do this with select() easily
enough.  I think people object to the complexity, however.  (I don't -
especially when the alternative is to loose out on a very useful feature
that cannot be implemented in a simpler way.)

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

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