
I'm trying to get a window to remain sticky based on whether it is moved onto a 
secondary display or not.  Based on that I've added an Event tag for AreaFocus:

Event AreaFocus
    if [ $(echo "$@" | grep -c ":") -gt 0 ]
        wmiir xwrite /client/sel/tags /./
        wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl | head -n1 | wmiir write /client/sel/tags

Initially this seemed to work fine, until I moved to another tag.  At that 
point the 'sticky' window is moved by wmii back to the primary display and the 
AreaFocus event is triggered writing the /client/sel/tags back to whatever the 
current tag is. Not what I was hoping for of course, because I'd like to use 
the extra monitor is a kind of "storage" for windows. Ideally it would be 
advantageous to move documentation, irc, etc to this monitor and have them 
stick there regardless of tag.

Is there a way to reliably do this?  I imagine it could be scripted further but 
seems it would become quite messy, quickly.

Nathan Middleton <nathan.middle...@gmail.com>

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