On 04/01/11 01:22, Andreas Wagner wrote:
Thanks for the information on the repository url change. I have
updated the archlinux AUR PKGBUILD:

cool! I use the one in slpm :)

slpm -i dmc # hg clone http://hg.suckless.org/slpm
I use dmc to quickly send files by email from the shell and I'm
interested in working on dmc because I would like it to be usable as
my primary email client.
yay, me too :) but i cant find time to work on it. Bure
I've recently been grepping through the source code of dmc and I will
have some fixes and improvements once I understand it better.
Great! let me know if you do any change on it. I would love to hear
about ideas and changes do make dmc a real replacement for mail


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