On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 09:33:59AM -0400, Bryan Bennett wrote:
> So far, this font issue and the lack of a scrollback buffer are
> my only issues with st. I'm having strange problems with urxvt
> under another (inferior / floating) window manager, which has
> pushed me towards st. I could be using xterm, but...eww.
> Terminus drew nice and quickly for me when I was using it
> and Tamsyn works wonderfully as well. I'm just curious what
> I could be doing wrong.

Terminus works fine. I have no issues with it, being it in st or anywhere else.

st seems pretty okay, quite usable.
My personal issues with it, preventing me from switching to it are:

    - the lack of a scrollback buffer, already mentioned
    - double-click-and-drag selection, like xterm has
      (st currently supports double-click word selection; implementing this
      should be no big deal... I might look at it)
    - vim in st with Solarized [1] colorscheme draws invisible text
      (this is quite strange; not sure where the problem is...)

[1] http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized

# Petr Sabata

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