On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 06:02:00PM +0700, John Matthewman wrote:
> On 6/6/11, ilf <i...@zeromail.org> wrote:
> > I actually only want a Browser and a usable Terminal with an SSH-Client.
> Well there's your problem. Save your money and get a dumbphone --
> like, maybe one of the cheapest models of Nokia candy-bar-shaped
> phones -- and then use a computer for the browser and terminal.
> Netbooks come pretty cheap.
> John

Smartphone has another function that hardly can be replaced by other
tools: note taking. Pen and paper aren't convenient for processing into
digital. For this purpose, I think Palm treo series is the best.

Yue Wu

Key Laboratory of Modern Chinese Medicines
Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
China Pharmaceutical University(中國藥科大學)
No.24, Tongjia Xiang Street, Nanjing 210009, China

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