+---------------------------------------------- Kurt H Maier -----------+
> On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Yoshi Rokuko <yo...@rokuko.net> wrote:
> > i don't like that line so far ...
> >
> > if i am in monocle layout i am often on a small screen
> > too small for tiling so i might want to see my windows
> > as a stack ?
> As far as I know, zoom() moves the selected client to the master pane
> in tiled view.  Since there is no master pane in monocle, there is no
> point to zoom(), so the function returns immediately if monocle mode
> is selected.  You can still move through your windows with Mod+[jk].

yes mod+[jk] is nice but still i like the behavior of zoom() without
line 2037 more even though in monocle there is no distinction between
master and slaves - wait there is, slaves are invisible ...
... probably i'm redefining master here ...

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