Hello. I have been using dwm for about two years and undergone many
version changes, but one bug always persisted. I am using the
following section in my xorg.conf to switch between English and
Lithuanian keyboard layouts:

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier        "Keyboard0"
        MatchIsKeyboard   "yes"
        Option            "XkbLayout" "us,lt"
        Option            "XkbOptions" "grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:num"

Whenever I am using the Lithuanian keyboard layout, mouse click on
statusbar does nothing. That is, tags do not change as well as window
layouts when I click on respective places in statusbar. Everything
else in dwm and X works normally. That's also a bit surprising, since
dwm uses number keys to switch tags, and in Lithuanian layout numbers
are replaced by special Lithuanian letters. Even so, keyboard
shortcuts DO work, while mouse click on statusbar does not. Thanks for


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