On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Ruben Gonzalez Arnau

> On 25/06/11 13:02, Ruben Gonzalez Arnau wrote:
>> On 25/06/11 11:38, Thomas Dahms wrote:
>>> 2011/6/25 hiro<23h...@googlemail.com>:
>>>> Wrong permissions perhaps?
>>>> Other than that I have no idea.
>>> Removing the whole ~/.wmii directory should work at least, using the
>>> system-wide configuration. That will trigger an xmessage asking you
>>> what Modkey you want to use. Answer Mod1 and you should be happy.
>>>  Well, you only need to have .~/wmii/wmiirc_local file instead of
>> ~/wmii/wmiirc, since you can override it using wmiirc_local file instead.
>> ~/.wmii/wmiirc_local:
>> export MODKEY=Mod4
>> export ALTKEY=Mod1
>> etc
>> ...
>>  Sorry, this is for the Thomas that has started the initial question.
> Thomas Dahms solutions should work.
> --
> r...@sdf.lonestar.org
> This is weird, deleting the wmii dir doesnt seem to cause changes, nor pops
up a menu
creating wmiirc_local doesnt solve it
changing Modkey in /etc/wmii/wmiirc doesnt solve it

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