On 04/07/11 17:14, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
Interesting, those on IRC were very 'for' this idea. Different
demographics? Oh you silly ML people!

On 4 July 2011 06:51, garbeam<garb...@gmail.com>  wrote:
No I totally disagree. Click to focus makes the life uneccessary harder.
Doing this just for the rare corner case of touching your pointing device by
accident doesn't sound like a very sound reason for it.
Well, the thing is, I don't ever use the mouse for window management,
but I sometimes move the mouse out of the way and in doing so
accidentally focus a completely different window. I personally would
rather dwm had no mouse support at all, but clearly that would be
controversial... Still, at least with click-to-focus the mouse is
completely dormant until you intentionally click something.

But apparently opinions are split on this topic!


Well, disabling completely touchpad (Linux) using synclient 'TouchpadOff=0' via shortkeys or using a tool like syndaemon, can helps in that situations to avoid touching mistakes.

See you.


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