Þann sun 10.júl 2011 17:11, skrifaði Thomas Dean:
I pipe the output of xclip through xmacroplay, like this:

sleep 0.2
        echo -n 'String '
Out of curiosity, why?

        xclip -o
} | xmacroplay -d 3 :0

which I also bound to Modkey-v. The sleep statement ensures that I can let
go of the Modkey in time. Otherwise the outcome can be ugly :-)

But then again, you're loosing the benefit X selections have over gpm. You could instead use xdootol.

xdotool type --clearmodifiers $(
        echo -n 'String '
        xclip -o

Remove '--clearmodifiers' to get inverse case using capslock, alternative characters using shift3, etc.

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