> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 12:28:18PM +0200, Ruben Mikkonen wrote:
>   DISPLAY="display" program, if I recall correctly.
>   On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Roger <[1]rogerx....@gmail.com> wrote:
>     I've just configured two monitors on one NVidia card (DVI-I-1 and VGA-0)
>     using
>     the Nouveau driver. �(For more info and configuration, see Gentoo-Wiki
>     DWM web
>     page, easily found using Google.)

Negative on that.  The Nouveau driver using one video card with VGA/DVI outputs 
using XRandR-1.2 doesn't create two displays.

Now, using the xorg nv driver, one could use two screen sections, but as of 
XRandR-1.2, I'm not sure.  But this scenario would create the two displays (ie. 
DISPLAY :0.0, DISPLAY :0.1) so that one could export a program into.

As I hack away here, the more I see DWM Xinerama is really Xinerama Extension, 
but with XRandR enabled still.  Somehow I was able to specify Xinerama Enable 
within the xorg.conf and I wasn't able to execute xrandr due to it being 
disabled by Xinerama.  Hence, very confusing.

But I've set things up per Nouveau's XRandR-1.2 web page.  wmctl doesn't see 
anything.  No Display to export to.  Only method is to move the mouse to the 
second monitor and use MetaKey+P (aka DMenu) to start a program on that 


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