On 13/12/11 18:14, nxt7 wrote:

Is it possible to make dwm to switch to the tag where application is started according to the "Rules" section of config file? viewontag patch works only with already started applications and does not suit for applications started through command line or file type associations from file managers. On this[1] forum I was told that such functionality is already present in dwm but I tried both vanilla dwm 5.8 and dwm-hg (without any patches) and found nothing similar to desired behavior. Can somebody explain the situation?


Maybe using xdotool can help in that situation.

For example, if Firefox is started on tag 3 via config rules, then you can spawn it with something like this:

SHCMD("xdotool key Super_L+3 && firefox")

xdotool emulate keyboard press for you.


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