On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 04:27:35PM +0100, Florian Limberger wrote:
>  then how do you distinguish the percentage of battery load and the
>  percentage of wifi signal strength? Sometimes, I don't care if wifi
>  signal quality is exactly 87% or 78%, It would suffice if I knew if it
>  is over 25%, 50% or 75% ...

A one-letter prefix doesn't help you?  b50% s70%? I don't even do that
much.  I used to just have it read, e.g., 50% 70% and I used my amazing
pattern-recognition skills to discern that the battery life was
mysteriously always first in that list!  Now I let my battery LED turn
orange to remind me to plug in (I can run a script in a terminal if I
care about exact percentage) and I just report my current essid.

>  Plus, I don't have to think about if I'm looking at my battery or my
>  wifi status, thats something where pictures are a little bit better.
>  If I denote the textual percentage with letters, it would cost me some
>  pixels too, so I think thats a rather weak argument.
>  But if you are paving the whole UI with icons, it gets confusing, but
>  same applies to textual information, if you write a huge string with
>  shitloads of information into your status bar, it would be confusing 
>  too.

If you look at the same series of information every day for a month and
are still confused by it, you may want to invest in some Apple products,
or at least install Arch Linux.

>  So I think, minimalism is the most important design goal, wether using
>  icons or text to display information.

>  By the way, I think the "general consensus" applies only to this 
>  mailing
>  list, the rest of the world (sane or not) believes in some usability
>  bonus.

I don't find cartoons more usable than information.  I don't, along the
same lines, give a shit what the rest of the world thinks.  The rest of
the world has chosen an interface.  They're free to wallow in it while I
use something more effective.

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