On 8 January 2012 10:30, John Matthewman <jmatthew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/8/12, Anselm R Garbe <garb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Someone could implement a stacked mode patch for dwm based on two
>> extra windows (similar to the dwm bar) per column -- wouldn't be too
>> hard.
> I would like a window manager that has wmii's acme-like window
> management, but without the 9P filesystem, wmiir, support for
> configuration via python, ruby, etc. Trim the fat off of it (or
> perhaps it would be better to use dwm as a base to build upon, rather
> than trying to deconstruct wmii?)
> Now if only I had the Xlib know-how - not to mention the time - to do it..

Use dwm as a starting point. It shouldn't be too hard.


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