On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Michael Stummvoll wrote:
On 24.01.2012 10:08, Anthony Campbell wrote:
I use Debian Sid, which is similar though not identical to Ubuntu. I haven't 
tried to make a .deb file, which seems like an unnecessary complication.
- apt-get build-dep dwm
- apt-get source dwm

and then, in the dwm-directory:
- edit the source like you want
- dpkg-buildpackage
- dpkg -i ../dwm*.deb

between editing the source and building the package you may want run something like 'dch 
"local changes"' to prevent your dwm gets overriden by apt with the same 
version in repository.

This may seem blatantly obvious and unspoken -- however: it is OK to install dwm to /usr/local or $HOME on the mentioned distros. It is a lot of work to roll packages per-setup and per-user. It also seems logical to put personal binaries in a personal directory.

It seems the real question here is "How do I use Debian's package management facilities to install XYZ?". Suckless frowns upon this kind of question. Please see to using Debian docs next time!

Winston Weinert

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