On 28 February 2012 19:23, Uli Armbruster <uli.armbrus...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> There's only one thing left with dwm which bugs me a bit. So you can 
> reproduce it, here's what's happening:
> I use e.g. newsbeuter to read the latest news. If if want to read an article, 
> I hit 'o' so it opens in a web browser. I use luakit <http://luakit.org>. In 
> dwm's config.h, I assigned luakit to tag 2. Right now I'm using newsbeuter 
> which is on tag 1. Now, if luakit isn't open already, I press 'o' and luakit 
> opens on tag 2. The bar indicates that there's a new client on tag 2. Now, if 
> I open another article hitting 'o' in newsbeuter, the bar shows the urgent 
> hint (with reversed colors) just for the blink of an eye. So luakit sends 
> this urgency signal, but dwm doesn't receive it. But if I go to tag 2, so I 
> see luakit for the first time and go back to tag 1 to open another article 
> via newsbeuter, then the urgent hint works.
> Why is that?

Hmm, the urgency flag is cleared on focus. I think this must be a luakit bug.


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