On 17 March 2012 20:56, Scott Lawrence <byt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Mar 2012, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
>> The mlmmj output format is a directory consisting of files (1-n) where
>> each contains a single message in mbox format. The number (1-n) is
>> incremented for each message. For instance the dev@suckless.org
>> mailing list directory contains 11359 message files as of now. You
>> could extend your archiver to work on such a directory structure. Once
>> done, I would give it a go on the dev@suckless.org messages.
> A single message in mbox format? Or a single message in RFC5322 format (as
> typically found in mboxes)? Or single message in not-quite-standard format
> (such as used by pipermail behind the scenes)?

Sorry for the confusion, it is rfc5322 format.

> If the former, a call to `cat` would suffice to "extend" my archiver.

Ok, will give it a try.


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