On 20 April 2012 03:37, Nico Golde <n...@ngolde.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> * Ivan Kanakarakis <ivan.ka...@gmail.com> [2012-04-20 01:54]:
> > On 20 April 2012 02:24, Connor Lane Smith <c...@lubutu.com> wrote:
> > > On 19 April 2012 23:51, Connor Lane Smith <c...@lubutu.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > however if one wants to connect to more than one server
> > and has a different password for that other server then
> > the env var doesn't help, scriptwise talking.
> >
> > ofcourse one can reset the var and invoke the new ii isntance,
> > but if you're doing that in a script and you don't want to be
> > including the passwd within the script then this cant work.
> Why not, the script could read it from a file not? Even though I don't see
> the
> difference. Whoever can read that script likely can also read the file.

I was also thinking one could share the
script ie in a public repo somewhere
for example, I use this
and using the getenv patch I can just
  $ II_KEY=".." connect
my password is not there and people can reuse the script

>  > well, what I have in mind with that ^ is something like:
> >   $ IRCPASS="fooo" connect.sh
> > and connect.sh fires up two ii instances to connect to
> > two different server which need a different password.
> >
> > I think a nice thing to do that would also resolve the
> > naming choice would be to have -k or some other argument
> > mean that ii should read the -k flag as an env var. so
> >   $ ii -k IRCPASS
> > would getenv("IRCPASS"), and
> >   $ ii -k OFTCPASS
> > would getenv("OFTCPASS")
> > etc
> I agree this is actually also a very nice solution! I will think about
> that a
> little before I commit.

that's great,
having that I can just replace ii invokation on the above script
with:  ii -k $server .. ..
and invoke the whole script like
  $  irc.freenode.net="foopass" irc.oftc.net="barpass" connect
the extra space ignores the entry to the history
and each server automatically gets his password
(although in this example the env vars are too big :P).
so I can still share the script and not save the passwords
in anywhere (but the terminal's scroll buffer)


> Cheers
> Nico

*Ivan c00kiemon5ter V Kanakarakis*  >:3

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