On 14 August 2012 13:50, Kurt H Maier <khm-suckl...@intma.in> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 01:36:55PM -0400, Calvin Morrison wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Recently on the Arch mailing list there has been much discussion of
>> different init systems. I was just wondering which init system, y'all
>> approve of. SysV or OpenRC pretty suckless and unix-y to me.
>> What do you think?
> Both are crap.  openrc in particular is some serious amateur-hour
> garbage.  Crux's init has good bones, but lacks finishing.  More distros
> should focus on using init to bring up the system and then leave
> userspace daemons to daemontools or such.

maybe I will work on a new init system :p

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