On 05/11/2012, Brandon Invergo <bran...@invergo.net> wrote:
> First, to see what I'm talking about:
> 1) Open a terminal and start some CPU monitor (ie top or htop)
> 2) Open another terminal and load a rather large man page (try
> termcap(5))
> 3) Start scrolling down on the man page and watch your Xorg process's
> CPU usage spike. Depending on how fast your computer is, this can be
> anywhere from ~10%-75% CPU usage (15% on this quad-core Intel Core2Pro,
> 75% on my 800mhz Arm Cortex A8)
> 4) Try the same experiment with xterm or urxvt: no CPU spike

I tried this and found that st version 386 actually does better, i.e.
lower CPU usage, than urxvt.

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