For whatever it's worth (which is not much since I don't contribute much of
anything to this community anyway), I hardly touch the mouse and wouldn't
even notice if mouse functionality was removed from the bar.  I do like
having the bar managed by DWM though.  The fewer external programs I have
to bring in to remain functional the better.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Nick <> wrote:

> Quoth Anselm R Garbe:
> > -> is there anyone who uses the mouse functionality of the dwm bar
> > right now? Could you live without it?
> I do use it sometimes, but could live without it. No strong
> preferences.
> > I barely use the mouse for the dwm bar and would be in favour for
> > removing the bar altogether from dwm. Instead I would output the
> > current dwm state to stdout which could be used by a different program
> > like sbar for input.
> Really? I like that the bar is managed by dwm, 'cos I trust dwm, and
> it seems like a reasonably OK place to do such drawing. So long as
> there was a widely used, reasonable way of doing things, which ends
> up looking and working like dwm currently does, I don't really mind.
> > But I wouldn't add an interface to dwm to change
> > the tags through X props or some other command interface (like stdin
> > processing) to allow other programs to amend the dwm tags. Good old
> > key commands would be enough for me.
> Yes, good; sensible chap.
> Good to hear from you again Anselm.
> Nick

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