On 21 February 2013 13:20, Sam Watkins <s...@nipl.net> wrote:
> Why not make it the same as the main heading?

You mean the first h1? That's not always the case.

> or use the first line of the markdown?

Sometimes we use HTML

> or use the file name / folder name (for index), somehow filtered?

I thought of using the filename, e.g. foo/bar/cat.mdwn ->
foo/bar/index.html with the page title cat. However that limits one
markdown per dir. That's not so bad, but expressing that as a Makefile
is really hard. So hard I gave up.

> then you have to write html_comments, which you already did I guess. I'd 
> probably use real perl...

Perl isn't suckless ;) https://twitter.com/kaihendry/status/303309891425165312

> YMMV as to whether making lots of little tools you might never use again
> sucks more or less than one somewhat opaque invocation of grep!

I'll stick with grep, but I was wondering which variant of regexp I
should be using. One that sucks less. ;)

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