On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Calvin Morrison <mutanttur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29 March 2013 14:31, Nick <suckless-...@njw.me.uk> wrote:
>> […]
> While I find many of those features useless, some of them are plain
> cool, and are innovative. Why are we stuck with a text terminal when
> we aren't using a tty most of the time? Sure simple text modes should
> always be supported but additional features are cool. I'd love to be
> able do an easy ls and be able to see my picture previews, why not?
> It' s not terribly complicated and it sure is useful.

I also like the idea of not having a pure-text interaction with the
computer, but Terminology is definitely pushing things too far. It's
hard to have a good middle ground.

Alternatively, you could set up plumber and have your terminal be as
smart as acme: left-click on a .jpg/png/gif/whatever opens an image
viewer. It separates the two concept (ls and preview) and is dead
simple. Bonus points: because the two concepts are separate, you can
have the plumbing rules independent of your terminal so you can set up
different dispatching easily.

Raphaël Proust

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