I know that, but I am using tags like workspaces. I mean, that's the spirit of 
DWM: hack it to what you want it to be.  There are tons of patches out there 
that conflict with DWM's initial design aspects, so this is kind of a 
non-argument. I would do it myself, if I knew how to.


> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 07:05:06 +0200 
> Subject: Re: [dev] dwm 6.0 - separate taglists for muli-monitor setup 
> From: kalle...@gmail.com 
> To: dev@suckless.org 
> It's not really meant to be used as workspaces, rather like tags in  
> wmii or original acme I think. 
> On Apr 21, 2013 8:12 PM, "David Lind"  
> <dl...@itsatrap.se<mailto:dl...@itsatrap.se>> wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I couldn't find a patch for this(but I may have missed it?).. I want to  
> have separate taglists on my monitors, e.g: 
> Monitor 1 -> coding www txt 
> Monitor 2 -> pdf media irc 
> Is there a patch for such a thing? :-) 
> Regards, 
> David Lind 

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