It has been argued before that the use of named tags is somewhat a
misunderstanding of dwm.

Yeah, it's was a misnomer. Personally, I was thinking about workspaces, but
I always called it tags.

My tag usage is inspired by this blogpost [0].
I have tags for:
* generic terminal usage
* web surfing
* communication
* media
* development
* office
* three other generic tags
However i use this tagnames rather as a guideline than as a strict rule. Sometimes when i have filled up my dev-tag with a few terminals, i open another terminal in the web tag (since it mostly only holds my web browser) to write some code with the docu in the browser on the side. This way i don't have the screen filled with unused terminals.

Is there an even more efficient way of using dwm? How do _you_ use it?



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