2013/4/24 Random832 <random...@fastmail.us>:
> On 04/23/2013 05:27 PM, Roberto E. Vargas Caballero wrote:
>> It is very confusing see a hightlight blank line, that really is selecting
>> the previous content of the line. If the selecting mark keeps in the
>> screen
>> it is only some garbage in it. If you can find other terminal emulator
>> with
>> this behaviour please let me know it.
> Maybe the behavior is wrong - but if the problem is that it is _still
> selected_ (i.e. hilight goes away when you select something else), it's not
> something that can be solved with anything to do with visual attributes
> only.
> That was why I was asking for clarification whether it is _still selected_,
> or just _still hilighted_.
> I wasn't able to view the video or run st at the time when you posted the
> video... now I've run st and confirmed that the problem is that it is _still
> selected_. I can work on a patch to fix this today.
> This really has nothing to do with the visual attribute, it's that the logic
> for removing the selection when its content changes (whether by erasing or
> by text being printed within it) is broken or missing.
First, thanks k0ga for reporting redundant 'if' predicate.
Second, yes, this is correct, the code for clearing the selection when
something is printed into it is currently absent, although should be
relatively easy to add.

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