Its called unionfs if I recall
On Jul 25, 2013 9:28 PM, "Thorsten Glaser" <> wrote:

> Calvin Morrison dixit:
> >I was sick of ls | wc -l being so damned slow on large directories, so
> What, besides the printing and sorting, is the slow part anyway?
> Is it the VFS API or just the filesystem code?
> In the latter case… could workarounds exist? Someone asked this…
> … on Planet Debian this night.
> Something to think about. (No further input from me, besides
> mumbling that I had a vague idea of similar concept and wouldn’t
> be surprised if something like that already existed, and probably
> only in the Plan 9 world…)
> bye,
> //mirabilos
> --
> (gnutls can also be used, but if you are compiling lynx for your own use,
> there is no reason to consider using that package)
>         -- Thomas E. Dickey on the Lynx mailing list, about OpenSSL

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