On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Carlos Torres <vlaadbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Glad you changed your mind on Android core.
> Consider looking at tinycorelinux; it too is very simple.  simpler than crux.

hmm,  after tooling around with tinycorelinux,  i think its use
doesn't make sense
as a day-to-day distro.  it would suit well a specific purpose or an
embeded system.
So i'm actually removing my "+" on tinycorelinux.  I went for a pure
64bit system
and that was hellish.  since there are barely any packages for it! soo
i had to build
webkit and its horrid dependencies from scratch... that basically
scared my away...
granted i completed the daunting task to the end.
I now cringe at the thought of rebuilding any suckless tool on
tinycorelinux for any
simple tweak.


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