
On 11/6/13, Alexander Huemer <> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 09:38:35PM +0100, Alexander Huemer wrote:
>> P.S. I passionately hate people who top-post, don't give enough
>> details and cannot say hi or bye in an email.
> Well, this escalated quickly.
> Let's forget about this hi or bye thing.
> Top-posting though completely ruins a conversation on a mailing list.
> It's impossible to properly quote more than one past email of a thread.
> I do not understand why people do this.
> It makes me angry, because it shows very little respect for the
> communication partners on the mailing list.
> I have the expression that people who top-post never spend a single
> second thinking about the implications of their doings, no matter how
> many emails they write and read (and that can be thousands) where they
> could notice that _their_ doings ruined the quoting that other people
> tried to do.
> Top-posting is in the same category of doing as:
> - parking over two parking lots
> - not using the blinker
> - this [1]
> The common property of these doings is that the positive impact on the
> doer is very little and the negative impact on the receiver of the doing
> is big.
> Top posting saves 1..2 keystrokes in a decent MUA with a terrible effect
> on the whole mailing list and also for the person who has made the
> decision to top-post itself! This person itself is unable to properly
> reconstruct what happened in a thread from looking at a single email.
> The only possible conclusion I can draw is that top-posters aren't very
> clever. This would not bother me if this wouldn't steal time from all
> the people on all the mailing lists who try to help. For free (as in
> beer).
> I won't say anything about lack of details I initially criticized,
> because this email is already so long that many people already stopped
> before reaching this point.
> Kind regards,
> -Alex
> [1]

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