Manolo Martínez wrote:
> On 11/15/13 at 11:14am, Chris Down wrote:
>> For my work, I find thinking of the tags as separate desktops is usually the
>> way that I end up using them (occasionally I display multiple tags at the
>> same time, but I don't think of that as being something I do regularly).
> Yes, same here. I'm under the impression that tags-as-tags is most useful if
> one's workflow frequently involves displaying the same tags in different
> combinations in different views. Mine doesn't, and I'm inclined to think that
> most workflows don't -- although that might well just be lack of imagination
> on my part.

If I remember correctly, the mentioned blog post was one of the convincing
arguments for me to try out dwm. I find it quite convincing to use tags as tags,
did it from the beginning and never had a problem with this approach. I tried
the tags as workspaces workflow in different window managers previously, but I
felt a little encumbered with it. I also encourage everyone who hasn't to try
out the tags as tags approach as mentioned in the blog post.


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