On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 07:49:25PM +0100, Markus Teich wrote:
> Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
> > My guess is the biggest objection (certainly mine) is that everything 
> > happens
> > in `main` instead of breaking the work down into smaller functions that do 
> > one
> > thing.
> Actually I started with that approach[0], but I found it too confusing for 
> such
> a small and linear program and therefore I inlined all functions which were 
> only
> called once.
> Should I extract some methods out of main()
> again or do you think it is enough, if I comment the linear process in main()
> more detailed?

If you extract function from main into seperate entities,
then you suggest a modular design, maybe with some parameters.
But the truth is that it's only called once, it's tested in 1 single
flow, and making them really modular with parameter checks & stuff
feels like overengineering.

Readability of the code is another reason to create functions,
but this is very subjective. Adding more documentation changes
somesone's perceived readability too.

Kurt Van Dijck

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