On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 07:14:27PM +0100, Andreas Marschall wrote:
> I wonder why no other Arch users are reporting on this?

It has been reported before. It’s specifically the combination of dwm
and st, by the way.


Ryan O’Hara

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Alexander Huemer
<alexander.hue...@xx.vu> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 07:14:27PM +0100, Andreas Marschall wrote:
>> I'd like to report a serious bug that I have for quite some time now
>> with st-git. When I install the git version with "sudo make clean
>> install" on my Arch Linux box it installs fine and I can use it. But as
>> soon as I kill X to go back to tty the screen goes blank (or sometimes I
>> see the frozen info from my graphics card that comes up when I do "startx") 
>> and the
>> system won't response anymore. All I can do then is hit the reset
>> button. Typing "systemctl poweroff" in st-git does a similar thing and the 
>> computer
>> won't shut down. This only happens with st-git. With st-0.4.1 everything 
>> works fine and I
>> can kill X and startx respectively.
> Use git bisect to isolate the commit that introduced the bug.
> Kind regards,
> -Alex

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