Carlos Torres, Sat, 30 Nov 2013:
On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 07:29:47AM -0800, Ryan O’Hara wrote:
Christoph Lohmann <>, 2013-11-30T08:08:43Z
I  won’t add a »I‐am‐so‐stupid‐to‐buy‐Apple‐
hardware« or »I‐am‐a‐retard‐
using‐Arch‐Linux‐after‐the‐systemd‐disaster« flag.

The bug is outside of st.

Shall we change it to dwm then? It works fine with literally any other

It sounds like this is reproducible, and it also sounds like a debugger
might not help so...  Why not instrument the code around the so called
"troubling" commit and look to see if that reveals proof of a problem?.

if you think its a dwm issue, hunt it down with instrumentation. (i.e.
carefully thought out print statements.) surely there are other ways to
gather more information too...

Sounds to me like it's an X11 bug, since it occurs on both Linux and OSX
hosts. Seems to be aggravated/caused by spawning an X11 program while
another one is picking up/handling depressed keys?

(Let's be honest, my keys would be depressed if I was on one of those
machines ... ho ho ho)

If it can't be reproduced on another host/os combo, one place to look
would be Arch / OSX's X11 configure and make flags.


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