> > Did you really just say that every file should just be abstracted as a
> > directory... how much of that web 2.0 Kool-Aid did you drink?
> Is there an easier way to encourage clean URLs?
> Without resorting to crazy rewrites?

'Options +Multiviews' in .htaccess works a charm. Making a directory
for every page is not what timbl meant when he recommended URLs that
don't expose the technology they're using (which could change).

> Why bother? The troves of people who cried at Google Reader shutting
> down would say otherwise. RSS is "dying" because companies like
> Google, Facebook, Twitter want to *own* the flow of information, and
> they can't do that when the world uses open plumbing. This is BS.

Well said, Andrew, thanks.

I still don't really understand what people are doing that requires 
~200 lines of shell. I haven't looked at the OP's code, but for 
completeness I'm attaching the Makefile I use for a website, which I 
happen to like.

src = \
      index.md           \
      software/index.md  \
tgt = $(src:.md=.html)
lnk = $(tgt:.html=)
gz  = $(tgt:.html=.html.gz)

all: $(tgt) $(gz)

        echo "Making $@"
        echo "<!doctype html><html><head><title>" > $@
        sed 's/^#* //;1q' < $< >> $@
        echo "</title></head>" >> $@
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style" /><body>' >> $@
        smu < $< >> $@
        echo "<hr /><p>Last updated: " >> $@
        stat -c %y $< | awk '{print $$1}' >> $@
        echo "</p></body></html>" >> $@
        ln -sf $@ $*

# not POSIX
%.gz: %
        echo "Compressing $<"
        gzip < $< > $@

        rm -f $(tgt) $(lnk) $(gz)

.PHONY: all clean
.SUFFIXES: .md .html .gz
Options +Multiviews
AddEncoding x-gzip .gz

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