Calvin Morrison writes:
> I'm not sure what you mean by "modal bindings". Do you mean like
> executing a hotkey like "Ctrl+:" to jump the hotkey program, then
> pressing another key to execute a command? Sorry I'm not sure what you
> are saying.
> Calvin


Use case: one hotkey (in my case: the useless '><' key on german
keyboards) to activate a, let's call it COMMAND mode :), maybe a litte
visual hint (I'm making the taskbar visible in dwm for now), that does
nothing else than waiting for the next keypress.

Have a look at dwm's keymodes patch, I really like this implementation.

My hacked 'hotkey' version depends on some X11/event race condition, as
I was able to figure out how to grab the whole kb for a while; but I
haven't started to dig into the keymodes patch yet; therefore my
suggestion to combine the two.

Also the goal is to have a system that can be operaten with literally
one finger alone, I think it would be a godsent for accessibility (not
just when consuming yp *ducks* :).

cheers, mih

ps. I really like the poetic license!

'aware water' is an anagram for 'we are at war'

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