
On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:20:44 +0200 FRIGN <> wrote:
> Hello,
> attached is a small patch to refactor xsetcolorname().
> Note the high similarity to xloadcols(). I wonder how necessary it is
> to realloc if name==NULL, given dc.col[] is only read except in
> xloadcols(), where exactly the same stuff is done to each array-item as
> repeated in xsetcolorname().
> If I'm wrong, let me know. If not, we could skip the entire if(!
> name)-part.

The  xsetcolorname() function should be conservative in its input. Since
it is only called from escape input it shouldn’t overwrite a  dc.col  if
something  failed. I fixed this and refactored to the function according
to your patch, which removed the temporary variables.

Second,  I  standardized the code on »color«. There is »colour«, but not
in st.

Thanks for the patch.


Christoph Lohmann

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