On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 05:25:25PM +0200, patrick295767 patrick295767 wrote:
> Hi Friends, Hello Guys,
> Because you have always very fantastic/great ideas in this field,  I
> would like to ask if you would know a cool vector graphics editor.
> You probably know Inkscape, but I must say that I am not a fan of this 
> software.
> Inkscape is a free and open source software vector graphics editor.
> Its goal is to implement full support for the Scalable Vector Graphics
> standard. The word Inkscape is a portmanteau of the words ink and
> landscape.
> Would you have please valuable tipps...?

It's a very good idea.

Don't forget to keep the SDK as suckless as possible: no GNU
autokludge/cmake/etc or python[23]/perl6/guile/etc code
generators (basic C programs compiled for the host). Basic shell
scripts for compilation (copy the ones from ffmpeg, they are very
good), or, if the project is too long to compile for a debugging
cycle (fix/compile/test/fix/compile/test), basic recursive
makefiles (don't try to use *all* unix makefile tricks, better
being verbose and simple than crazy insanely unreadable and
You should code for tinycc to be sure we can get rid easily of
gcc and clang.



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