On Wed 25 Jun 2014 at 08:39:11 PDT Sylvain BERTRAND wrote:
What I mean: it's totally suckless to write more LOC if it
reduces the technical cost of the overall software stack (SDKs

It's an old argument: cost to develop versus cost to deploy or run.

The trend in mainstream software development has been to make things
easier for the developer and let the users buy more RAM, disk space, or
a faster CPU if they need to.

One reason I've been keeping an eye on suckless.org is that it's one of
the few places remaining where the other side of the argument is taken.

My days as a coder are receding into the distant past, so perhaps I
should stay out of this. But let me just observe that suckless projects are already heading in Sylvain's direction when they use config.mk files instead of configure scripts.

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