On July 16, 2014 3:28:44 PM CEST, Markus Teich <markus.te...@stusta.mhn.de> 
>koneu wrote:
>> If anything, I would store the numbers as unsigned 64 bit LSB and
>change the
>> read/write functions for MSB architectures.
>max(uint32_t) = 4.294.967.296 is already way more than the proposed max
>999.999.999. I would even suggest uint16_t is enough. To store images
>than 65536^2 (=16GiB with 4 bytes per pixel) is far enough in the
>future and
>also the argument with the need for greater color depth applies. We
>could just
>use htons and ntohs then:
>Bytes  Description
>9      ASCII string: "imagefile"
>2      Width of the image stored in network byte order (big-endian)
>2      Height of the image stored in network byte order (big-endian)
>Then, (width*height) pixels arranged in height scanlines, where each
>pixel is
>four bytes.  Each byte represents red, green, blue, and alpha
>This function reads an image:
>       char *
>       readimage(int fd, uint16_t *w, uint16_t *h)
>       {
>               char hdr[13];
>               char *data;
>               int len;
>               if (read(fd, hdr, 13) != 13 || strcmp(hdr, "imagefile"))
>                       return NULL;
>               *w = ntohs(hdr[9]);
>               *h = ntohs(hdr[11]);
>               len = (*w) * (*h) * 4;
>               if (!(data = malloc(len)) || read(fd, data, len) != len) {
>                       free(data);
>                       return NULL;
>               }
>               return data;
>       }
>This function writes an image:
>       int
>       writeimage(int fd, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, char *data)
>       {
>               uint16_t nw = htons(w);
>               uint16_t nh = htons(h);
>               return (write(fd, "imagefile", 9) == 9 &&
>                       write(fd, &nw, 2) == 2 &&
>                       write(fd, &nh, 2) == 2 &&
>                       write(fd, data, w*h*4) == w*h*4);
>       }
>We also avoid *printf and stdio.h.

This will pass a char to ntohs; expanding it to a uint16_t, instead of passing 
ntohs two bytes from the header.
The proper way would involve some pointer casting or a header struct.

struct Header {
uint8_t magic[9];
uint16_t width, height;

Then read() and write() into/out of the header struct.

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